London's leading website for Sensual, Erotic, Tantric and Therapeutic massage providers.
Established 2012

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* Please note that the rates may vary depending on the type of massage service provided or the distance to travel on an outcall visit. Please check massage providers website for any additional information.


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Eden Tantric London

Nestled in the bustling epicenter of London, Eden Tantric London emerges as an elite massage haven offering the time-honored practice of Tantric massage.

At Eden Tantric, our practitioners are adeptly schooled in the venerable ways of Tantric teachings, artfully fusing the elements of spirituality and sensual pleasure to cultivate a rejuvenating experience that touches the deepest layers of the mind, body, and spirit.

We at Eden Tantric hold the philosophy that the human body is a sacred sanctuary worthy of reverence, dignity, and devoted attention.

The massage experiences we provide transcend mere physical indulgence; they are a voyage of self-discovery and transformation, meticulously designed to meet the intricate needs and desires of those who seek a harmonious balance of relaxation and energized rejuvenation.

Eden Tantric London invites you to explore a diverse selection of therapeutic experiences beyond the classic Tantric massages.

Incalls in Chelsea/Mayfair/Knightsbridge/Central London
Outcalls in West London/Central London


Eden Tantric London








Central London


West & Central London


10:00 - 00:00

Incall rate (hr)


Outcall rate (hr)



Sensual / Erotic Massage

Body to Body Massage

Tantric Massage

Therapeutic Massage

Role-Play and Fantasies


Send Email

Tel: 07856 123 012

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